Intervention Central provides teachers, schools and districts with free resources to help struggling learners and implement Response to Intervention and attain the Common Core State Standards.
Intervention Central:
Oppositional Defiant Disorder in Children
By Leah Davies, M.Ed.
Child Mind Institute:
Quick Facts on Intermittent Explosive Disorder
A brief overview of the signs and symptoms of intermittent explosive disorder and how it’s treated in children and adolescents.
Six Steps for Handling Aggression and Meltdowns , Meltdowns, by Tara McClintick :
Child Having a Meltdown? Here Are 7 Tips to Help Calm It
If you’re a parent of a child on the spectrum, you may know how difficult meltdowns can be. They’re not only frustrating but also heartbreaking; you love your child more than life itself, and watching them in such a heightened state of distress makes you feel like you’re being ripped in half. Sure, you can do your best to prevent meltdowns, but that’s not always feasible. So what do you do when they strike? Here are seven actions you can try taking. (Hint: many of these tips can also help you handle anxiety in general!)
49 Phrases to Calm an Anxious Child
When It Comes To Nonverbal Children, Blanket Statements Are Unfair. Here’s Why.
On this blog site:

Website Simulates What Reading With Dyslexia Is Really Like
“Dyslexia is a learning disability that affects the way people’s brains process written, and sometimes spoken, words. Often this disorder can go undiagnosed as a child struggles through learning how to read at school. They can be left feeling that it is their fault for not being able to keep up in class, where as in reality they are often highly intelligent individuals who excel in all other areas of life.
There are devices which allow us to feel what it is like to be blind or deaf, but it’s often difficult for someone without dyslexia to really understand the realities of trying to read with this disorder.
Website developer Victor Widell has created a website that simulates what it’s really like to try and read with dyslexia. And having given this website a go ourselves and tried to read the jumping around letters, it’s not easy!” To read more go to:
What Is ABA?
Your child has just been diagnosed with autism and you’ve been directed to treat them by using Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). But you can’t help but question what is this treatment and is it really affective?
Watch as Autism Live gives us a heads up about what ABA is all about and how it has been scientifically proven to be affective to treat all kids on the spectrum. Early intervention is key to your child’s development and it starts with therapy!