I have known Khyras’ mommy since we were 14 years old. We have shared many memories together including the birth of our older children as they are very close in age.
Terry, always wanted to have a little girl. We could not wait to welcome her baby into the world.
The day came when Khyra was born, I got the phone call I had been patiently waiting for that day. It’s a day I will never forget.
Terry phoned and I was talking a mile a minute when I seen her number on my phone. Terry stayed quiet , soft voiced. I knew something was wrong right away. My heart sank as I tried to take in the little information she was telling me of what the doctors told her what was wrong with baby Khyra.
I hung up the phone and cried, cried because I knew that this would be so overwhelming for her and the boys. It was a lot to take in.
Terry has gained incredible strength and courage during the years that I am proud to be her friend. Always making the impossible possible!, taking on government agencies and fighting to keep her baby at home. The fight is still there and continues. If she would have listened to the professionals and given up her child and allowed her to be in the foster system then it would be no fight and everything financially would be taken care of. That is ridiculous to me, and Terry worked hard and still does to make sure that will not happen. All while having a job and managing to run a household!.
I wanted to help my friend, so I decided to learn about Khyra and her needs. I was trained to care for her and although scary I enjoyed it. Because Khyra had a feeding tube and could not eat by mouth. My heart felt heavy, that she could not eat what other children ate or even have such a simple experience that we all take for granted. So I decided to make up a song for her. It went like this.
Khyra is eating hamburgers and fries, hamburger and fries, hamburger and fries, Khyra is eating hamburger and fries, and washing it down with a shakety shake..not much to it but Khyra loves hearing it.
Khyra has beaten all odds and continues on her journey along with a loving and caring family that is not willing to give up. I am very proud of my friend Terry for continuing this struggle to keep her home. Like any mother she wants the best for her child and will go to any lengths to get it. I’m honoured and so proud to know Terry and have a such a long friendship.
Submitted by: Gricel Cornejo Pinto
Hey very interesting blog!
Thank you!